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Footcare and the Housebound

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 9 Feb 2021 | comments*Discuss
Foot Care; Feet; Chiropodist; Chiropody;

It is a fact that some people become isolated and housebound because of problems with their feet. It may be that a very simple problem that can be treated very easily has caused them so much pain and discomfort that they feel unable to continue with their everyday tasks. It is also true that the majority of these people are elderly and either cannot afford the care needed to maintain healthy feet, or feel that because of their age, they have to learn to accept their changing body even if it does mean living in pain.

Help The Aged is currently requesting that the government review the availability of foot care and health professionals for the older generations as their lives are being made miserable or even cut short because of a lack of service and funding which many believe to be false economy.

Identifying an Elderly Person With Problem Feet

Perhaps the person has withdrawn themselves from society slowly, or maybe you have noticed that they have become less active or struggling more to continue with their normal life. They may have been in a lot of pain recently and this can result in short tempers, loss of weight, tiredness or other physical and mental attributes.

How to Help Someone Who is Housebound

There are many ways in which a housebound person can be helped and to return top their normal activities.

Find out the availability and costs of any chiropodists in the local area that do house calls. They might be able to come and spend a few sessions correcting the problem allowing the person to resume their normal lifestyle. It may even be possible to get some financial help with the costs of this service.

Send off for catalogues that stock shoe inserts, devices to help put on the shoes, orthotic devices or any other equipment that may help some one become more mobile. Spend some time discussing these items with the housebound person finding out if any of them may help their circumstances. There is no harm in finding out some information and providing the person with access to it.

Someone who has become housebound because of a foot problem may feel embarrassed about the problem and not want to disclose the information so remember that when approaching the subject, be very diplomatic and understanding. Show some sympathy to their needs but do not patronise them; they will be much more appreciative if you try and be productive about the situation. Seek advice from Citizens Advice Bureau or Help The Aged if the person falls into this age group, as they will be able to advise of help that can be given towards costs and of local services.

It goes without saying that you as an individual, will be able to help in more ways than many by giving them company, offering to do the shopping, doing a little bit of housework or any other tasks that will help improve the quality of life of the housebound person.

There are many people who suffer from foot conditions in later life; some can be long term problems other minor ailments. Unfortunately some of these complaints can cause a decrease in mobility, often due to pain caused by a treatable problem, so do try and help those affected when possible and allow them to be able to continue with their normal life.

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My dad is housebound due to 5 major strokes. He walks with a walker and wears a foot splint. The splint is old, heavy and no longer the right size but orthotics say they can't come out to home visit (not due to Covid but because they don't do that) or help us. Any advice on what I can do to get help please?
Mandy - 9-Feb-21 @ 10:34 AM
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