Useful information, written by experts, about common foot problems, treatments and how to keep your feet in the best possible condition.
September's Most Popular Articles...
The Benefits of Foot Massage for Children:
Massage is therapeutic treatment that promotes many health benefits. This form of healing touch impacts on the mind, body and spirit and… [286 views in Sep]
Fractured Calcanium:
As with any bone in the body the heel bone, also called the calcanium or calcaneus, can become damaged and sometimes fractured which can be extremely… [154 views in Sep]
Anointing Oil for Feet:
Anointing the feet with healing oils is part of a religious foot washing ritual or ceremony. The oil used is perfumed, although other substances like milk or… [138 views in Sep]
High Heels: Do Gel Pads Work?:
Most women will at some time in their life wear high heels. For many this occurrence will be for a special occasion, when socialising or when attending… [108 views in Sep]
Ticklish Feet: Why? and How?:
Tickling is the involuntary twitching movement of the part of the body that experiences sensitive, and unexpected, touch. Light, trailing or feathering… [78 views in Sep]
The Art of Foot Reading:
Foot reading, or solestry as it is otherwise known, is the art of understanding how emotions and personality is reflected in the feet. The complementary… [58 views in Sep]
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